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Absolute Value 

Statement : sometimes from drawings I make objects. They tell a story. As objects, they exist of their own. They do generate new meaning and relate their own survival. It is a reason to find answers and to question those answers.

The aim is to disrupt our perception of both images and objects, and to priotirize the communication, dialogue, understanding. Further translation from images are objects, from one language to another.














Born in RD Congo, I grew up in France and moved to England in 2007. I create works of art in various media (painting, drawing, creative writing, printing, photography, using a variety of techniques. I am a published writer (I have authored numerous books and publications in print and online. Texts range in topics from Novels, essays, Poetry and Art history). I am also specialised in analysing, interpreting and evaluating pieces of fine art. As a passionate teacher of visual arts, I offer to learners a broad array of studio experiences across a range of media.(Studio Practice and Practice-based Research) I have exhibited numerous times in Europe and overseas and consider painting, writing, walking or travelling around the world a daily meditative practice. My central preoccupation has always been how to find, figure out blind spots when reading, learning, looking an art work, landscape etc. What is the implication of these blind spots on our daily life, what discourse they could generate...

Bona Mangangu passe son enfance et son adolescence à Kinshasa, RD Congo.
Il s’installe en France où il étudie les Lettres et l’histoire de l’art, la philosophie et les sciences de l’éducation entre 1984 et 1991. Elève de J.F Lyotard, Gilles Deleuze, Michel Lobrot et Georges Lapassade.

Il s’inscrit quelques années plus tard aux Beaux-Arts à Sheffield Institute of Arts, Sheffield Hallam University. 
Il se consacre ensuite à la transmission du savoir, à la peinture et à l’écriture, la photographie et les voyages dans l’imaginaire.
Peintre, il expose depuis plus de vingt ans.
Plusieurs de ses oeuvres se trouvent dans des collections privées en France, aux États-Unis, en Grande-Bretagne, en Irlande, en Suisse, en Israel, en Allemagne, en Belgique, en Espagne, au Maroc etc.
Auteur, il a publié des livres en français et en anglais. Certains de ses encres, dessins et textes sont parus en revue.
Il vit et travaille à Sheffield, au Royaume-Uni. 


 © 2025 by Bona Mangangu All rights reserved

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